Why Good Society Club, you ask?

Simple, good people creating good vibes through movement and energy.

I opened our sister/bff/affiliate studio The Yoga Roots in 2011 and it offers all things on the mat. At Good Society Club we will add equipment and machines to assist us! After practicing yoga, pilates and cycle for the last 20 years, I wanted to fuse them all together to create a one of a kind experience! And that’s what you’ll get when you come to Good Society Club.

Our classes are more than just a workout — it’s a vibe and we believe in the power of community and connection. From the moment you walk through our doors you’re guaranteed to meet new friends and to experience one of a kind classes that will make you feel GOOD!

Music is at the core of our classes. It’s integral. We will feel the beat, dance on the bike, tone it out on the reformer and most of all we will SWEAT, all while having fun together!


Shannon Quigley, owner + founder


Our philosophy is simple: show up as you are, do your best, and have a good time!




Whether you are new to reformer pilates and cycle classes or have years of experience, we got you! Each person is different and each day is different -  so there is a strong emphasis on adapting to you and to meet yourself where you need to be!

All classes are set in a warm room (78 degrees) so your muscles are warm and ready for you and every class is a small group and tailored to you. You will leave feeling empowered, motivated and stronger in the mind and body!

Welcome to The Society.